Academic Affiliations

Biographical sketch:

DR. JULIEN CHEVALLIER is a Tenured Associate Professor of Economics (Professeur des Universités). He undertakes research and lectures on empirical finance, applied time-series econometrics, and commodity markets. Dr. Chevallier received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris West  in 2008, and his M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics in 2005. Dr. Chevallier has previously held visiting research positions at the Imperial College Business School (London), at the Centre for Economic Performance (London School of Economics), at Georgetown University, and at the World Bank (Washington DC). Dr. Chevallier is the author of the book Econometric Analysis of Carbon Markets (Springer), as well as the co-author of the Book The Economics of Commodity Markets (Wiley Finance). He has published articles in leading refereed journals, including the International Review of Financial Analysis and Quantitative Finance. Furthermore, Dr. Chevallier currently serves as Associate Editor at Energy Economics among other appointments.

Education: Ph.D. Econ. (Paris West); M.Sc. Econ. & Manage. (LSE, ENS Cachan); B.A. Econ. & Financ. (Sciences Po)